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My name is Haylee Schaefer.  I am a mother of two very active, very busy children.  I am wife to a farmer and a full time Kindergarten teacher.  My family is my priority, my students keep me busy, and our schedules are packed!  Between teaching, spending quality time with my own children, running them around town to various sporting events, and trying to keep our household organized, it’s a struggle to find time to workout.  


When my children were younger I had serious “mom guilt” being at work all day and then turning around to go to the gym.  So I didn’t. I stopped working out. I didn’t know how to find a balance between being the best mom, wife, and teacher that I could be and taking care of my own needs.  Then one day I realized that it was in everyone’s best interest for me to start taking better care of myself. That’s when I created this fast paced, efficient 30 minute workout that I could do at home or on the go. Most of the time my children are running around the yard while I'm working out in the backyard, or some days I wake up early to get my 30 minutes of alone time in before my chaotic day starts. Other days I have to squeeze it in in-between work, sports practices, and making dinner.  Since Devoted 30 is only 30 minutes, it’s easy to find that time. I have no excuse to not devote 30 minutes of my day to myself. I’ve now been following my Devoted 30 program for 2 years and I’ve never felt stronger or healthier.  


Now Devoted 30 is available to help you prioritize yourself.  You deserve to be the best you possible! Take the challenge, make the choice, CHOOSE YOU!  Because you’re worth it!

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